
How to Get Paid Using iK Pay Gateway

Getting paid on your Wix or WooCommerce-enabled online store is easy with iKhokha’s payment gateway.

First, ensure that the iK Pay Gateway plugin has been integrated into your WooCommerce or Wix online store. 

If the plugin is integrated, your customers will see the iKhokha payment method on your checkout page.

Your customers must select this method to be redirected to the 3D secure and PCI-compliant iKhokha payment page. From here, they will be able to make payments directly into your bank account.

All payments are linked to the existing bank account that you have declared to iKhokha. The money owed to you will be paid out within 2 (two) business days as part of your usual settlements.

Note: Please bear in mind that settlements are not actioned on Sundays and public holidays.  

For further questions and assistance

Feel free to call our support team on 087  222 7000 or email