Getting Started

Setup & Start Transacting on the Shaker Solo

Now that you've unboxed your Shaker Solo let's get your device up and running.

The first step to getting set up is making sure that the SIM card is inserted into your Shaker Solo card machine. The SIM can be accessed under the clip at the back of the device.

QUICK NOTE: Remember, the device is delivered with a SIM card already inserted in the card machine.

Next, switch on your Shaker Solo by holding down the power button and by following these steps:

Step 1: Press the Payment button (up arrows button).

Shaker Solo card machine landing screen with the payment button circled in yellow


Step 2: Enter the desired amount by using the numeric keypad. Press enter (green button) to proceed with the payment. 

Shaker Solo card machine enter amount screen with a zero amount
Green enter button on the Shaker Solo card machine circled in yellow

Step 3: Tap, insert or swipe the card and allow the customer to enter their pin if prompted.

Shaker Solo card machine with the tap-and go icon on the screen and a blue card inserted at the bottom

Step 5: The transaction will either be approved or declined

Step 6: Print the customer receipt by pressing 1, or by pressing 2 if you don't want to print the receipt. You will have the option to print a merchant receipt.

 Successful transaction screen of the Shaker Solo card machine asking to print customer receipt with yes and no options


Transaction complete: It's as easy as that!

Shaker Solo card machine printing screen with a receipt emerging from the printer

Next, let's look at typing on the Shaker Solo.