Getting started with transactions
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  3. Getting started with transactions

Process my first sale using card or cash

Your iKhokha card machine allows you the flexibility to process transactions no matter what payment method your customer prefers.

Enter the amount due

All transactions start by entering the amount due. When you log into the iKhokha app you will land on a Keypad. The Keypad allows you to capture the sale amount in Rands before you proceed to selecting your customer’s preferred payment method.

  1. Login to the iKhokha app with the username and password you created when signing up 
  2. When entering the app, the default screen will be the Keypad 
  3. Enter the amount you wish to charge 
    1. The amount is displayed above the keypad 
    2. If you made a mistake, you can use the clear button to start over 
  4. When you have entered the total amount, press the "Add to cart” button at the bottom of the screen to proceed 
    1. The “Add to cart” button will not be tap-able if no amount is entered 
  5. A message will show that you have successfully added an amount to the cart 
    1. You can tap the “VIEW CART” button on the message to go to the cart 

Using the cart to proceed to payment

The iKhokha app allows you to create a sale and review it before proceeding to taking payment. 

  1. Press the green cart button at the top right of the screen to proceed to the cart 
    1. If the cart is empty the cart button will be gray 
    2. If an amount has been added to the cart, the button will become green 
  2. Review the total amount displayed at the bottom of the cart 
    1. If you made a mistake, you can press the “CLEAR ALL” button in the top right to start over 
  3. Press the charge button to proceed to the payment method selection 
    1. The charge button shows the total amount you will be taking payment for 

Advanced Tip 1: Switch off the Catalogue and skip the cart 

  • Find out how to hide the Catalogue and go straight from the Keypad to selecting the payment method of choice. 
  • Use the Keypad like a calculator

Select payment method

The iKhokha app allows for multiple payment methods. In this section you will learn how to select the preferred payment method and proceed with payment. After tapping the “Charge” button, you will need to select a payment method. The following payment methods are available 

  • Card 
  • Cash 
  • *Tap on Phone (only available on Android Smartphones with NFC) 

Card payments

  1. Once you select “Card payment” as the preferred payment method, you can hand the device to your customer 
  2. The customer can then insert or tap their card and follow the screen prompts for further instructions 
    1. If the card cannot be successfully processed by the machine, an error will show, try again or use a different card 
    2. If tapping the card displays an error, the customer can try inserting the card 
    3. If error displayed is that the card is damaged, the customer will need to use a different card 
    4. *Swipe transactions are only available to merchants by applying for it from our support department 
  3. Once the card is accepted, the screen will show a Visa or Mastercard logo and move on to the receipt screen 
    1. If the transaction was approved by your customer’s bank, the screen will show a green check with the approved amount and a status “Paid” 
    2. If the transaction was declined by your customer’s bank, the screen will show a red cross with the declined amount and the reason why the transaction was declined below 

Advanced Tip: Pair your Mover or Shaker Duo via Bluetooth 

If you are using a Mover or Shaker Duo to take card payments, make sure that your machine is paired and switch on when you select “Card payment”. If your machine is not successfully connected, you will have to follow the prompts to connect the machine 

Cash payments

The iKhokha app allows you to keep track of any payments that are not processed with the card machine to keep a consolidated record of all the sales you made regardless of the payment method used. Select cash payment if you would like to record a payment that was not made with your iKhokha card machine. 

  1. Once you select “Cash payment” as the preferred payment method, you will be presented with another keypad 
  2. Enter the cash amount that is received  
  3. The screen will show the change that is due to your customer 
  4. Tap “Accept cash” to capture the cash payment for your records 
  5. Once the cash payment is successfully captured for your records, the screen will move onto the receipt screen 

Tap on Phone

If your smartphone supports Tap on Phone, this payment method will be available to quickly take a card payment with nothing more than your phone 

  1. Once you select “Tap on Phone” as the preferred payment method, the app will prepare your to take the card payment 
  2. Once prompted you can hold your phone and let your customer tap on the back of the phone, where you have located your NFC 
  3. Allow your customer to hold their card against your phone, until you feel a vibration and wait for the phone to prompt you to remove card 
    1. If the card cannot be successfully processed by your phone, an error will show, try again or use a different card 
  4. Once the card is accepted, the screen will show a Visa or Mastercard logo and move on to the receipt screen 
    1. If the transaction was approved by your customer’s bank, the screen will show a green check with the approved amount and a status “Paid” 
    2. If the transaction was declined by your customer’s bank, the screen will show a red cross with the declined amount and the reason why the transaction was declined below 

Advanced Tip: Enable Tap on Phone 

Make sure that you have enabled Tap on Phone in your app setting and that your NFC is switched ON. If you haven’t done this already, you will have to follow the prompts to enable Tap on Phone on your phone. 

If you get a “Verification Failure” during the steps to enable Tap on Phone or when doing a transaction, contact support to assist you. 

Print or send a receipt

You can share receipts with your customers, based on the functionality that is available on the device you are using. Where the device has a printer, a merchant or customer copy of the receipt can be printed. Where no printer is available, you can share a digital copy of the receipt with your customer.

Printing receipts

  1. Select whether you would like to print a Customer or Merchant copy 
  2. Select “Print Receipt” and wait for the machine to print the receipt 

Sending receipts via email

  1. AnSelect the “Send receipt” option 
  2. If presented with an option, select “Email” 
  3. Enter your customer’s preferred email address 
  4. Tap the “Send” button to send the receipt 
  5. Your customer will receive an email with a link to open the receipt 

Sending a receipt via SMS

  1. Select the “Send receipt” option 
  2. If presented with an option, select “SMS” 
  3. Enter your customer’s cellphone number 
  4. Tap the “Send” button to send the receipt 
  5. Your SMS app will open with the information and number already entered 
  6. Send the SMS to the customer 
    1. Ensure you have airtime available to send the SMS 
  7. Your customer will receive a SMS with a link to open the receipt 

Available on:

This article applies the following iKhokha card machines and smartphone operating systems

Card Machine Flyer Flyer Lite

Tap on Phone

Mover Shaker Duo Shaker Solo
Android x x x x x  
iOS       x x  
Shaker Solo