iK Prepaid

Prepaid transaction errors and what to do

This is an alphabetical list of some of the most common errors that you could possibly see if there is an issue with your prepaid transactions, what it means and what you need to do to assist your customer.

Account not found

The incorrect account number may have been entered, or the account is not registered. 
Please retry with the correct number or ask the customer to contact their municipality to verify that it's registered.

Amount too high

The amount entered is too high.  Please retry with an amount that is lower than the maximum allowed.

Amount too low

The amount entered is too low.  Please retry with an amount that is higher than the minimum allowed.

Call issuer

The transaction was declined by our prepaid service provider. Please try again or contact support with the transaction details. 

Could not find route for meter. Please initiate prepaid electricity purchase again with a meter lookup request

The meter was not found. Please verify the meter number or contact support.


The transaction was declined by our prepaid service provider. Please try again or contact support with the transaction details. 

Declined by Pay@

The transaction was declined by Pay@. Please try again or contact support with the transaction details. 

Declined. Invalid fields: MeterNumber

The transaction was declined by our prepaid service provider. Please try again or contact support with the transaction details. 

Declined. Invalid fields: Tenders[0].Amount

The transaction was declined by our prepaid service provider. Please try again or contact support with the transaction details. 


The transaction was declined by our prepaid service provider. Please try again or contact support with the transaction details. 

Error Code: 15

The transaction was declined by our prepaid service provider. Please try again or contact support with the transaction details. 

Error Code 16

The transaction was declined by our prepaid service provider. Please try again or contact support with the transaction details. 


The transaction was declined by our prepaid service provider. Please try again or contact support with the transaction details. 

FBE Already Issued

Free Basic Electricity (FBE) linked to the specific meter number has already been issued for the current month.
Advise the customer that next FBE will be available in the new month.

Format error

The transaction was declined by our prepaid service provider. Please try again or contact support with the transaction details. 

General error

The transaction was declined by our prepaid service provider. Please try again or contact support with the transaction details. 

Incorrect amount

The amount entered is not within the limits. Please enter a different amount. 

Internal error

The transaction was declined by our prepaid service provider. Please try again or contact support with the transaction details. 

Invalid amount

The amount entered is not within the limits. Please enter a different amount. 

Invalid merchant

The merchant does not seem to be registered with the service provider.  Please contact support.

Invalid product

The transaction was declined by our prepaid service provider. Please try again or contact support with the transaction details. 

Invalid Reference

The incorrect reference was used. 
Please try again using the correct reference or contact support with the transaction details.

Issuer Unavailable

The transaction was declined by our prepaid service provider. Please try again or contact support with the transaction details. 

Meter Blocked

The meter has been blocked.
Verify the meter number and retry.
If it still fails, then the customer should contact their municipality.

No response was received from upstream

The transaction was declined by our prepaid service provider. Please try again or contact support with the transaction details. 


Please check your network connectivity and try again.

Out of Stock

The product has gone temporarily out of stock. We are working hard to bring it back by the next day.

Receiver unavailable

The transaction was declined by our prepaid service provider. Please try again or contact support with the transaction details. 

Requirements not met

The transaction was declined by our prepaid service provider. Please try again or contact support with the transaction details. 

Sale not found

The transaction was declined by our prepaid service provider. Please try again or contact support with the transaction details. 

Service down

The transaction was declined by our prepaid service provider. Please try again or contact support with the transaction details. 

System error

The transaction was declined by our prepaid service provider. Please try again or contact support with the transaction details. 

Tender invalid

The amount entered is not within the limits. Please enter a different amount. 

Tender too small

The amount entered is not within the limits. Please enter a different amount. 

Unknown meter ID

Verify the meter number and retry.
If it still fails, then the customer should contact their municipality.

Unregistered Meter

Verify the meter number and retry.
If it still fails, then the customer should contact their municipality.