iKhokha App on iK Flyer Lite
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Log in to the iKhokha App on the iK Flyer Lite

The iK Flyer Lite uses the same iKhokha app for Android, here's what you need to know about logging in.

The iKhokha app will startup automatically when the iK Flyer Lite is switched on. The iKhokha app requires you to log in to keep your device secure.


Topics in this article:

  1. Log In with your username and password
  2. What if I forgot my password?
  3. I get asked to create a strong password
  4. I get logged out of the app when using it

Log In with your username and password

  1. Select the Sign In if you don't see a screen asking you to enter your username and password
  2. Enter Username - Email Address used to sign up

  3. Enter Password

  4. Select the Login Button - if user name and password is correct, you will be logged into the app to start trading.

Q: What if I forgot my password?

  1. On the login screen select the ‘Forget Password?' link.

  2. You will be redirected to the forget password page on dashboard.ikhokha.com/login

  3. Enter your email address and click submit

  4. An email with a reset password link is sent to the email address used to sign up with iKhokha

  5. You will be redirected to dashboard.ikhokha.com/login to capture a new password.

  6. Follow the steps to create a strong password and remember this password
  7. A success message is displayed

  8. You will be redirected to dashboard.ikhokha.com/login to login with the new password

Q: I get asked to create a strong password

When creating a new password, the password must conform to ALL of the following guidelines to be accepted as a strong password:

  • Should be at least 8 characters long

  • Must contain at least one UPPERCASE letter

  • Must contain at least one lowercase letter

  • Must contain at least one number (1234)

  • Must contain at least one special Character (@#$&)

A strong password helps keep your iKhokha account secure. After creating a strong password, never write down your password. 

Q: I get logged out of the app when using it

When using the app on the iK Flyer Lite I get a popup that says "Session Expired"

A: You can get logged out of the iKhokha app for any one of the below reasons:

  • You logged into either a Mover Pro or another iK Flyer, or iK Flyer Lite using the same account.
  • Your session expired and to keep your account secure we automatically logged you out to make sure you are the one using it (you should be the only one who has the password to this account)

You can create different staff member accounts for each payment device  that uses the iKhokha app