Each item in the Catalogue has a number of features that help you identify that you are going to add the correct item to the cart and give you the option to increase the quantity you would like to add to the cart.
The elements of the Catalogue items
Each item has an icon that shows two letters derived from the item name to help you quickly find it in the list
The name of each is shown in bold black text. This is what will get printed/shown on the receipt and in your downloadable excel
The variant of the product or duration of the service is shown in smaller grey text below the name
Product/Service Label
A grey label will help you identify if the item is listed under Products or Services in your Catalogue in the Dashboard
The total (VAT inclusive when applicable) price is shown on the top right corner of the catalogue item
Quantity indicator
- When none of the items have been added to the Cart, the quantity indicator will appear as a plus button
- When one the item has been added to the Cart, the quantity indicator will show “1” with a plus and trash can icon
- The plus button increases the quantity
- The trash can removes the item from the Cart
- When more than one item has been added to the Cart, the quantity indicator will show the number of items added and a plus and minus button
- The plus button increases the quantity
- The minus button decreases the quantity
- When the quantity is down to 1 item, the minus button changes into a trash can icon
Searching your Catalogue
If you have items listed in your Catalogue, you can use the search box to find items quickly.
- Select the “Catalogue” tab on the top right when entering the iKhokha app
- Tap inside the search box
- Start typing the first few letters of the name of the item you are searching for
- Items that match the search criteria will be listed on the screen
- Select the item you were looking for and tap it to add it to the Cart
- You will see a notification indicating that the item was added to the cart and the Cart icon on the top right of the screen will turn green, indicating that you have successfully added an item to the Cart
View all items in your Catalogue
If you would like to use a view that lists only the individual items in your Catalogue, you can change the Catalogue view
- Select the “Catalogue” tab on the top right when entering the iKhokha app
- Select the “View all items” link below the carousel of Categories listed
- The screen will change to a screen named “All items” with a number indicating the total number of items in brackets
- Items are listed alphabetically
- You can use the search box to reduce the number of items to only those that match what you have entered in the search
- Select an item in the list to add it to the Cart
- Select the back button to return to the main Catalogue screen
View items by Category
If you would like to use a view that lists only the Categories of your Catalogue, you can change the Catalogue view
- Select the “Catalogue” tab on the top right when entering the iKhokha app
- Select the “View all categories” link above the carousel of Categories listed
- The screen will change to a screen named “All Categories” with a number indicating the total number of items in brackets
- Categories are listed alphabetically
- Each category in the list indicates how many products are listed in that category
- Each category in the list has a label showing whether it is a Product or Service (when you create items in the Dashboard you can create them as either products or services)
- Select a category in the list to view all the items in that category
- When you select a category, the screen will change to show a list of items grouped under the category
- The name of the category is shown a the top of the screen with a number in brackets showing the number of items in the selected category
- You can search for products within the category by using the search box
- Select the back button to return to the list of Categories
What are uncategorized items?
iKhokha has improved the Product Catalogue that in the iKhokha app by merging this functionality with the Catalogue Management feature in the Dashboard. All products that were previously created in the app are now part of your Catalogue, managed in the dashboard.
Because categories were not previously available for you to group your product items under we have grouped them conveniently in a section called “Uncategorised”. Use the Catalogue Management feature in the Dashboard to move products into categories that will help you quickly find them in your iKhokha app.
Catalogue FAQs
Q: Why are there no items in my Catalogue?
A: If you don’t see any items or categories listed under your Catalogue, you have not created any in the Dashboard. Use the Catalogue Management feature in the Dashboard to create items and they will automatically become available in the Catalogue of the iKhokha app.
Q: What happened to my old Products?
A: Products you created using the iKhokha app was moved to an “Uncategorised” category. If you don’t see any products here, you can easily recreate them using the Catalogue Management feature in the Dashboard
Q: Where do I create items?
A: The iKhokha Dashboard provides a number of great features to help you manage your business. You can now create and manage unique products and services that your business provides straight from your Dashboard and each item you create show as part of your Catalogue in the app.
Available on:
This article applies the following iKhokha card machines and smartphone operating systems
Card Machine | Flyer | Flyer Lite |
Tap on Phone |
Mover | Shaker Duo | Shaker Solo |
Android | x | x | x | x | x | |
iOS | ||||||
Shaker Solo |