iK Insurance

iK Insurance Exclusions

This article lists everything not covered with your iK Insurance policy

What is not covered, under the different segments of this policy: 

iKhokha Device Cover 

  • Damage to the iKhokha Device caused by wear and tear, gradual deterioration, scratching or other superficial damage to outer casings, aerials or keypads. 
  • Loss of or damage to the iKhokha Device resulting from theft or any attempt thereat from any unattended vehicle, unless the vehicle was locked and the iKhokha Device is concealed in the cubby hole or boot.  Any such loss must involve forcible and violent entry into the vehicle. 
  • Any unexplained loss of or damage to the iKhokha Device. 
  • Loss or damage to batteries, unless they are stolen or lost together with the iKhokha Device. 
  • Loss or damage arising from the iKhokha Device not being safeguarded whilst being charged. 
  • Consequential loss of any kind whatsoever (loss any other kind resulting from the insured event). 
  • Loss of or damage to accessories and or car kits. 
  • Loss or damage arising from the iKhokha Device being left unattended in a public place, place of recreation, office, mall or social occasion where it is vulnerable for easy removal or damage. 
  • Loss or damage arising from the iKhokha Device being left unattended or exposed when unknown persons or 3rd parties are present in a home, office or similar area. 
  • Loss or damage arising from the iKhokha Device being removed from a locked home, office or similar area unless accompanied by forcible or violent entry into the area. 
  • Loss or damage to your SIMCARD. 
  • Loss of or damage to the iKhokha Device arising from or contributed to, by gross negligence or wilful conduct by you or the specified user.  
  • Loss or damage arising from a wilful act carried out by any other person known to you or the specified user. 
  • Loss or damage arising from a manufacturers defect. 
  • Loss, damage or defect that is covered under the manufacturer’s warranty. 
  • Loss, damage or defect arising from any software or application. 
  • Loss or damage caused by electronically conveyed viruses, worms or Trojan software. 
  • Loss or damage arising from remote jamming devices or related events. 
  • Loss or damage arising from any unauthorised repairs or as a result of bad workmanship by an unauthorised repairer. 
  • Loss or damage resulting from political or non-political riot, strike or civil commotion, public disorder, war, invasion, terrorism or public violence which is insurable by SASRIA (South African Special Risks Insurance Association) is excluded from this cover. 
  • Where there is dual insurance covering the same iKhokha device against the same event, we shall not be liable to pay more than our rateable portion of the claim. 


iKhoha Merchant Stock, Equipment & Building Cover 


  • Cover is not available where the building stipulated in the risk address is situated within 200m of a river, riverbed or flood plain.  
  • Damage to stock and equipment when left exposed in the open. 
  • Damage to stock and equipment when in transit or residing at a risk address not stipulated on the policy schedule, (unless at a recognised small businesses market held at an established market facility, such as a weekly or monthly farmers market or craft market). 
  • Building damage as a result of sub-standard structural or poor maintenance, including inter alia, leaking pipes and rooves. 
  • Damage as a result of gradual subsidence or landslip.  
  • Theft of any part of the building or structure attached thereto.  


iKhokha Personal Accident Cover 

  • The first R1000 of medical costs on any claim, which is for your account.   
  • Death or disability as a result of an illness. 
  • Claims for disability or death for accidents that occurred after the policy commenced, but more than 12-months after an accident.  
  • Death or injury due to: 
  • mental disability,  
  • self-inflicted injury, 
  • participation in extreme and dangerous sporting activities, or  
  • suicide.