X and Z Cash Up Reports on iK Flyer
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  3. X and Z Cash Up Reports on iK Flyer

How to do Cash Ups on the iK Flyer

You can print either a X or Z report to keep track of sales and compare transactions with your POS system


Q: How do I start a Cash Up on the iK Flyer?

A: Cash Ups are done on the tab called "Today's Report" under the Manage section of the app

  1. From the main screen, select “Manage”
  2. From the options select “Cash Up”
  3. You will land on a tab called “Today’s Report”
  4. You will see dates populated in “From” and “To”, this indicates when you last Ended the Day to the date and time of the last transaction 
    1. Note: If there are no dates, you have no new transactions since your last End of Day, or it has been more than 24 hours since you last completed a transaction
  5. You will see the number of transactions since your last End of Day
    1. Note: If there is a zero value, you have no new transactions since your last End of Day, or it has been more than 24 hours since you last completed a transaction
  6. You will see the total value of transaction since your last End of Day
    1. Note: If there is a zero value, you have no new transactions since your last End of Day, or it has been more than 24 hours since you last completed a transaction


Q: How do I Print Summary Report?

A: You can print either a Summary X or Z Report by following the steps below

X Summary Report

  1. From the main screen, select “Manage”

  2. From the options select “Cash Up”

  3. On the tab called “Today’s Report”, select “Print Summary Report”

  4. When prompted “Are you done with our day?”, select “Print and Continue Day” to generate an X Report

  5. The printed report will show the range of receipt numbers for the report and the total value of the transactions from the last time you ended the day

  6. After the report has printed you will see the same information for From and To and Number of Transactions, and Total value of payments as before

Z Summary Report

  1. From the main screen, select “Manage”

  2. From the options select “Cash Up”

  3. On the tab called “Today’s Report”, select “Print Summary Report”

  4. When prompted “Are you done with our day?”, select “Print and End Day” to generate an Z Report

  5. The printed report will show the range of receipt numbers for the report and the total value of the transactions from the last time you ended the day

  6. After the report has printed you the values for From and To and Number of Transactions and Total Value of Transactions will be reset to 0, ready for you to start a new day


Q: How do I Print Full Report?

A: You can print either a Full X or Z Report by following the steps below

X Full Report

  1. From the main screen, select “Manage”

  2. From the options select “Cash Up”

  3. On the tab called “Today’s Report”, select “Print Full Report”

  4. When prompted “Are you done with our day?”, select “Print and Continue Day” to generate an X Report

  5. The printed report will show each transaction and the corresponding receipt number and the total value of the transactions from the last time you ended the day

  6. After the report has printed you will see the same information for From and To and Number of Transactions, and Total value of payments as before

Z Full Report

  1. From the main screen, select “Manage”

  2. From the options select “Cash Up”

  3. On the tab called “Today’s Report”, select “Print Full Report”

  4. When prompted “Are you done with our day?”, select “Print and End Day” to generate an Z Report

  5. The printed report will show each transaction and the corresponding receipt number and the total value of the transactions from the last time you ended the day

  6. After the report has printed you the values for From and To and Number of Transactions and Total Value of Transactions will be reset to 0, ready for you to start a new day


Q: How do I end the day without printing a report?

A: You can opt to "End Day" which allows you to end the day without having to print the report

  1. From the main screen, select “Manage”

  2. From the options select “Cash Up”

  3. On the tab called “Today’s Report”, select “End Day”

  4. When prompted “Are you sure you want to end the day without printing?”, select “End Day without Printing” if you don’t want to print a report

  5. When prompted “Are you sure you want to end the day without printing?”, select “Print then End the Day” if you would like to print a full Z report


Q: What is Report History?

A: You can find previous Z Reports and reprint them if needed

  1. From the main screen, select “Manage”

  2. From the options select “Cash Up”

  3. Select the tab at the top called “Report History”

  4. View a list of previously generated Z Reports

  5. Select Print if you would like to reprint any of the previous reports

Only Z reports will be saved in the Report History, you will need to ensure you select “End the Day” whenever you generate a report to save it to your Report History