How to embed the code

Embedding the code into a WIX website

Learn how to embed the code into a WIX website

How to embed the code into a WIX Website:

  1. Create your Buy Button within the iK Dashboard, and after generating it, retrieve the Buy Button code from the share page.

  2. Log into WIX (please note that your website needs to already be set up) and click on the + icon at the top left side.
  3. This will open a panel, scroll down the panel and select ‘Embed Code’
  4. Select “Embed HTML”

  5. Paste the code into the text box and click ‘Apply’. A live preview of the Buy Button will display.
  6. Close the code block and drag the Buy Button to your desired location.
  7.  Click “Publish” on the top right hand corner to save and publish the Buy Button