Transaction Reports

Daily iK Prepaid Report

We send you a daily email report of your airtime, prepaid vouchers and other digital product sales

This daily report is sent to your email.

It details the sales of airtime, prepaid vouchers and other digital products that you have performed the previous day.

It also shows the profit earned on sales.

The fields contained in the report include:

  • Date:
    The date and time of the transaction
  • Transaction ID:
    The transaction reference number
  • State:
    The status of the transaction
  • VAS Type:
    The type of product sold (either airtime, prepaid utility or bill payment)
  • Amount:
    The total value of the product that you purchased for your customer
  • Commission %:
    The percentage profit that you earn from the transaction
    (This field will be blank for transactions with a flat commission such as bill payments)
  • Commission R:
    The fixed profit that you earn from the transaction
    (This field will be blank for transactions with a percentage-based commission such as airtime)