Transacting on the iK Flyer
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  3. Transacting on the iK Flyer

Cash transactions on the iK Flyer

Keep track of all of your transactions for the day and issue receipts to customers, even if they pay by cash.

Start your first cash transaction

  1. Log into the iKhokha App

  2. Select Cash Payment option on the Sell screen

  3. Enter the required amount on the calculator screen

  4. Select Checkout button

  5. Card Checkout screen will be displayed

  6. If required, Increase, or decrease the quantity of the item added by clicking on the plus (+) or minus sign

  7. Select the Charge button

  8. The Cash Payment screen will be displayed

  9. Enter the amount received on the calculator

  10. Select the Receive Cash button

  11. Transaction successful pop up message will be displayed

  12. The send receipt screen will be displayed to print or send the receipt

  13. Select the done redirected to the Sell screen and start a new transaction