Transacting on the iK Flyer Lite
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  3. Transacting on the iK Flyer Lite

Card transactions on the iK Flyer Lite

The iK Flyer Lite is our fastest card machine yet. Experience the speed of card transactions by following the steps below.

Do your first card transaction on the iK Flyer Lite (app version 3.2.10)

  1. Log into the iKhokha App
  2. Select the Card Machine option on the Sell screen
  3. Enter the required amount on the calculator screen
  4. Select Charge button (the total amount you will charge your customer is displayed in the button)
  5. The transaction screen will be displayed and a prompt to customer to present the payment card
  6. Tap or insert the payment card
  7. The transaction will be processed
  8. A successful transaction message will be displayed
  9. The option to send the receipt will be presented

    1. You have the option to send a digital receipt to an email address
    2. You can select Done to go back to the Sell screen to start a new transaction


Q: How do I add multiple amounts to a transaction?
A: You can calculate the transaction total by adding multiple amounts and pressing the PLUS button each time. Then review the total before proceeding to the payment.

  1. Select the Card Machine option on the Sell screen
  2. Enter the required amount on the calculator screen
  3. Select the PLUS button
  4. You can add an optional description for the amount in the “Description” field below the amount
  5. You can keep adding amount and descriptions until you’ve added up the total you would like to proceed with
  6. Select Checkout button (the total amount you will charge your customer is displayed in the button)
  7. The Charge button will change into a Checkout when you start adding more than one amount by using the PLUS button
  8. Card Checkout screen will be displayed with the list of amounts you added
  9. You can remove amounts by selecting the MINUS button next to the quantity
  10. When you are ready, select the Charge button to proceed to payment
  11. The transaction screen will be displayed and a prompt to customer to present the payment card

Do your first card transaction on the iK Flyer Lite (app versions 3.2.9 and older)

  1. Log into the iKhokha App

  2. Select the Card Machine option on the Sell screen

  3. Enter the required amount on the calculator screen

  4. Select Checkout button

  5. Card Checkout screen will be displayed

  6. Select the Charge button

  7. The transaction screen will be displayed and a prompt to customer to present the payment card

  8. Tap or insert the payment card

  9. The transaction will be processed

  10. A successful transaction message will be displayed

  11. You have the option to send a digital receipt to an email address
  12. Select the done button to return to the Sell screen