Cash Up Reports on iK Flyer Lite
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  3. Cash Up Reports on iK Flyer Lite

How to do Cash Ups on the iK Flyer Lite

You can email a X report to keep track of sales and compare transactions with your POS system

Q: How do I start a Cash Up on the iK Flyer Lite?

A: Cash Ups are done under the Manage section of the app

  1. From the main screen, select “Manage”
  2. From the options select “Cash Up”
  3. You will see the number of transactions since your last End of Day
    1. Note: If there is a zero value, you have no new transactions since your last End of Day, or it has been more than 24 hours since you last completed a transaction
  4. You will see the total value of transaction since your last End of Day
    1. Note: If there is a zero value, you have no new transactions since your last End of Day, or it has been more than 24 hours since you last completed a transaction


Q: How do I email a Full Report?

A: You can email either a Full X Report by following the steps below

X Full Report

  1. From the main screen, select “Manage”

  2. From the options select “Cash Up”

  3. Enter the email address to which you want to send the full report in the field below the label 'Email to be sent to:'

  4. The emailed report will show each transaction and the corresponding receipt number and the total value of the transactions from the last time you ended the day

  5. After the report has been emailed you will see the same information for From and To and Number of Transactions, and Total value of payments as before